Monday, February 27, 2023

Jesus Revolution vs. Cocaine Bear

Sorry, not sorry…but I am seriously amused that my small town theater is showing both Jesus Revolution & Cocaine Bear! πŸ˜‚ 

A theater marquee showin ant man & wasp, Jesus revolution and Cocaine Bear

BTW, I actually went to both yesterday just to experience cinematic whiplash. πŸ˜  

Movie posters for Jesus revolution and Cocaine Bear

One was a badly acted film with one-dimensional characters and preposterous situations.  πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

The other was Cocaine Bear. πŸ«’🐻 πŸ‘πŸ‘  

Movie ticket for Cocaine Bear

Freak Out, 



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  1. Replies
    1. I could have said more about cocaine bear, but I wouldn't want to ruin the surprises waiting for viewers!

    2. Exactly, a short compact spoiler free review!

  2. Best. Review. Ever. :D I had not even heard of Jesus Revolution until you mentioned it was playing in the same theatre with Cocaine Bear. Given the choice, I know which one I'll pick.

    1. Thank you, michael! I'm always happy when my humor isn't wasted.

      If cocaine bear is the one you would pick, I seriously recommend it! It is just fun!

    2. Given a movie called Cocaine Bear and a "true story of a national spiritual awakening" is there any doubt I'll choose the coked-up bear. :D
