Saturday, May 2, 2020

booking freakboy: WORLD WAR POO by Jon Flushing

Duncan's day is about to turn to shit.  He thinks he is  going to drop a few friends off at the pool, but instead he literally makes one sizable crappy one.  Big Al is a living, breathing piece of shit and he is not alone.  Freshly plopped out pieces of poop from around the globe have found life and now the world is about to go down the toilet.  Will Duncan keep his job and girlfriend?  Will Big Al dry out?  Will Duncan and Big Al stop the needless flushing of shit as World War Poo rages around them?  

Author Jon Flushing keeps squeezing out the poop jokes as his surprisingly likable characters deal with life, love and war.  If you are easily offended, and actually made it this far into my review, I do not recommend this book.  However, if you enjoy a constant splattering of toilet humor, then WORLD WAR POO may be the crazy, pervy, twisted tale for you! 

You can scoop up a copy of WORLD WAR POO by Jon Flushing from...

Thank you for reading or listening to my half-blind review. 

Freak Out, 

P.S.  A different book from a different author...
The Collective Eye is open with a short list of books & blogs! 