Friday, July 7, 2023

freakboy on film: ATTACK OF THE CLONES (2002)

If I have a “favorite” in the STAR WARS Prequel Trilogy, it might…maybe…could be Episode II.  While still far, far below EpisodesIV & V, ATTACK OF THE CLONES has its moments.  These admittedly few and far between moments nearly…almost…come close to capturing a spark or two of the Original Trilogy.  
DVD of STAR WARS, EPISODE II, Attack of the clones shows Anakin, Padmé, Obi-Wan and Yoda
Directed by George Lucas / screenplay by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales 
As for the film, it’s 10 years later from what little happened in THE PHANTOM MENACE.  Padmé Amidala is now a Senator in the Republic and has come a long way from being an uncertain young queen.  She’s tougher and more determined, which is probably one of the reasons someone is trying to assassinate her.  

In a plot twist even non-Jedis will see coming, a now grown up Anakin Skywalker has been assigned to protect her.  Off they go to Padmé’s home planet to frolic and fall in love or something.  Meanwhile, Obi-Wan Kenobi is off to investigate who is behind the assassination attempt.  He uncovers a plot about clones and a robot army.  All of this leads to Count Dooku, a certain plan for a planet destroying space station and the infamous Clone Wars. 

The reasons I feel ATTACK OF THE CLONES almost captures the vibe of the Original Trilogy comes down to a few characters and moments.  Natalie Portman embraces the fierce strength in Padmé.  The character doesn’t always need a Jedi to save her and the actor seems to be fully enjoying herself this time around.  Maybe this is why viewers can actually believe Padmé Amidala will be the future mom of Luke and Leia. 
Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala looking a bit like general Leia in The Empire Strikes Back.
The mother of the future!
Christopher Lee as Count Dooku releases some fingertip lightning
Eat your heart out, Lord Voldemort!

Then there is Christopher Lee as Count Dooku!  This classic British actor immediately elevates Episode II Plus, his presence conjures up the appearance of fellow Hammer actor Peter Cushing in A NEW HOPE.  However, it is Count Dooku’s lightsaber fight with Yoda that steals the film, if not the entire Prequel Trilogy!  The duel is suspenseful, fun and doesn’t drag on like so many other scenes.  Plus, it’s great to see why Yoda is truly THE Jedi Master. 
Christopher Lee as Count Dooku clashes lightsabers with Yoda.
It’s not the size of a Jedi that matters… 
It’s also nice to see C-3PO become more a part of the story, even though his scenes are pure nonsense.  We also get to see why a young Boba Fett chooses his path in life.  As for Hayden Christensen as Anakin Skywalker, he does a serviceable job, but really only shines when Anakin tragically sees his mother again.  Some good news is Jar Jar Binks’ role is greatly diminished and subdued, but he is ultimately involved in a pivotal moment with Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s grasp for power.  Oh, and I must add that John Williams’ film score is a vast improvement over THE PHANTOM MENACE. 
Young Boba Fett holds his dead father’s helmet.
Young Boba Fett is happy his dad didn’t die for a burp joke.
In conclusion…
There are worse STAR WARS films out there.  Episode II may even be better than some of the crap in the Sequel Trilogy.  If anything, Samuel L. Jackson finally gets some lightsaber action as Mace Windu!  So, if you’re watching in chronological order, grab a helping of caffeine for the slow moments and embrace the good stuff in ATTACK OF THE CLONES.  At least you’ll be one film closer to A NEW HOPE!  
Thank you for reading or listening to my half-blind words. 

Freak Out,

P.S. Click the pic for a post where I say nice things about THE PHANTOM MENACE…

The dvd of Star Wars, episode I, The phantom menace
My queer little books are available from an Amazon near you…


  1. I loved your take on this movie, I did get superinvolved with the romance and so it's the only of those prequels I liked albeit for the wrong reasons. And now Christopher Lee is the 2bd best reason to like this film.

    1. Christopher Lee is definitely a standout performance! Thanks for stopping by, Gill!

  2. He always does . I discovered so many new movies with him when I did that blogathon with Barry xx

  3. John, you do a great job of finding things to like about this Star Wars entry that doesn't get a lot of respect. I loved the first two films, but by the time this one came around I had checked out. Despite the presence of Mr. Lee, I've never seen this all the way through. Do you think it would be terrible if I just looked for a good clip of that light saber duel? Come to think of it, that same duel between Cushing and Lee would have been something to behold! 😉

    1. Thank you, Brian! It's scaring me how much I'm not hating the prequels this time around. Well, not completely hating anyway.

      The lightsaber duel is worth watching, so I'm sure it's on YouTube somewhere!

      It would have been awesome to see Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing in a lightsaber battle, even though they are technically on the same side. Lol

  4. Nice review, John! I think you hit the nail on the head about some of the things not to hate about Attack of the Clones. If you can get past the sappy dialogue ("I'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me." Groan!), there are some exciting action scenes, and as you mentioned, how can you go wrong with the commanding presence of Christopher Lee? A mixed bag, for sure, but considering some of the choices in the sequels, it's not half bad.

    1. Thanks, Barry!
      Oh yes, the sappy dialogue is painful, but there are plenty of painful dialogue moments in return of the jedi!

      Honestly, maybe it's the sequel trilogy that's making me appreciate some of the good stuff buried in the prequels.
