Saturday, October 8, 2022

Spooky AI Art inspired by HAUNTING STURGEONS!

My fellow blogger friend Dave of My Gay Opinion and his partner surprised me with an AI art show email celebrating my new ebook Being an occasionally thoughtful person, I decided to share these pieces of computer-generated art here before donating them to a local museum for display in their public toilets.  What can I say?  I’m a giver! 

The following pieces somehow capture the essence of HAUNTING STURGEONS, even though the story doesn’t contain dead fish or ghost fish! 

A ghost sturgeon emerges  from the ocean.
Does this represent Jimmy’s past or is it the ghost of the first victim in DARKENING STURGEONS?

A dead sturgeon rots in a dark forest.
Something smells fishy in Stickler Woods!

Then my friend thought of mixing HAUNTING STURGEONS with filmmaker John Waters.  In my opinion, it appears the AI is a huge  fan of filmmaker Tim Burton

A nicely dressed sturgeon skeleton stands next to a fish-faced John Waters.
This could be us, but you playin’!

A delirious John Waters in a flat top hat, stands between well-dressed fish people.
John Waters loves being in a fish people throuple!

Last, but not least, my friend and his partner thought of horror movie and queer movie posters based on HAUNTING STURGEONS The results are seriously out there! 

A lake ripples before the murky woods.
This would make a great poster for either HS or DS!

Four fish people stare vacantly from the image.
Happy Hour at Gordon’s Bar?

A giant spiked black mass stares angrily with yellow eyes and sharp teeth.
A representation of Eugene Raymond Stickler’s cybernetic bugs?

A man stands with his back facing us while wearing a tattered vest.
Jimmy in the Epilogue?

A spooky tree stands with a gaping hole.  Conjoined twin headless sturgeons float near the tree’s hole.
An HS poster lost in translation?

A close up of a screaming person’s face, with odd red eyes,.
A typical reaction to one of my books!

A naked man with a droopy red face holds a bloody fish
A self-portrait of Eugene Raymond Stickler?

The shadow of a menacing deer head with huge antlers faces a barren landscape and cloudy sky.
I like it, but I can’t even pretend to connect it with my ebook!

A deformed man is being ordered by two smaller humanoid creatures with dark elongated black masks covering their faces.
An idea for a third Sturgeons ebook?

A huge thanks to Dave of My Gay Opinion and his partner, who probably did most of the work, for emotionally damaging a defenseless Artificial Intelligence with my ebook I literally laughed out loud! 

Thank you for reading or listening to my half-blind words. 

Freak Out, 


P.S. You can find HAUNTING STURGEONS at an AMAZON near you! 

For more info, click the pic ⤵️ 

Haunting sturgeons by john L. Harmon


  1. Wow... Thanks for the AI art show. When is it going on tour? ;) I guess John Waters is the ghost with the most? So many questions... but somehow, I like it!

    1. You're welcome and thank you, Barry!
      I think the only answer is that artificial intelligence has a random creative process! Lol
