Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Blind Date all I knew about my blind date when I borrowed it from the library.  Wrapped in fresh, clean newspaper, with only a small rectangle  cut out to expose the bar code, this book was one of many set out for a Valentine's Day reading promotion.

One of the groovy librarians at my public library, fittingly enough, borrowed the idea from another library in another town.  I believe the purpose of this promotion was to encourage readers to step outside his or her literary  comfort zones and take a chance on the unknown.  Borrow a wrapped book, take it home, and get to know an author you may have overlooked in the past.  It was as simple as that, and there would be no hard feelings if the book was returned without finishing it.  Sometimes a blind date just doesn't work out.

There were genres of every sort as I scanned the wrapped books on display.  I was tempted by a mystery/suspense novel, but then the above description caught my eye.  First, I liked that it was labeled Fiction, because that meant it could be anything!  Second, as I  told the groovy librarians while I checked out my blind date book, "You had me at Damaged people."   Then I rushed home and proceeded to carefully open the newspaper on one end.  Gently I slipped the book out little by little until I was face to face with...
Honestly, the cover as a whole didn't do much for or against me and I never heard of the author, so that didn't influence me one way or another.  It was, however, the title that sent a poetic spark through my entire being.  I grinned with the growing suspicion that I would seriously enjoy The Handbook for Lightning Strike Survivors by Michele Young Stone.

Most people, at this point, would probably have flipped open the cover and read the inside jacket.  Being whatever it is I am, I decided, before unwrapping my blind date book, that I would read it without knowing any other information than the librarian's synopsis, the cover and the title.  So, I gleefully skipped the inside flap and began my blind date with the author's words.

I'm not going to spoil this book with a review.  Going on a blind date with a book is a fantastic literary experience, and it would be terrible of me to prevent you the same opportunity.  Now, go forth, Readers, and start your own blind date book.

I will give you growing suspicion was correct and then some.

Be well, Readers, and Freak Out,
click for e-books you may enjoy 


  1. Yeah for you. This is a great idea to get people to read other books. It is amazing how many times my reason for considering a book is more about the cover art. That draws me in and then the synopsis on the back cover will seal the deal. Kudos to your librarian!

    1. I have always said my town has a terrific library!

  2. Very nice play on judging a book by its cover! So now, I have to go to Broken Bow not only for the library and the fireplace in the library but most DEFINITELY to meet these librarians in person. Do they sign autographs?

    1. I've never asked for an autograph, but they might be groovy enough to agree to one!

  3. "Honestly, the cover as a whole didn't do much for or against me"
    What about the orange color?

    1. Oh, this may have been before I discovered my love of Orange. 😉
