Thursday, August 6, 2020

Blogging like there's no tomorrow...

I have blogged through Google's directly named blog site Blogger since 2013.  I even found my way back to blogging after losing a chunk of my vision back in 2016.  It helped that Blogger's interface had not changed during my absence.  I knew which buttons to click because I had done it all before.

Now Blogger is changing.  A new interface is available and soon the old "Legacy" interface will disappear.  I've been experimenting with the new version and have been failing miserably.  Maybe it's my half-blind eyes, but the layout is confusing.  

The only thing I've managed to achieve in the new interface is typing the title.  I can't seem to locate where the body of the post will go. Logically, I know it should be beneath the post title, but I've tapped my tablet screen all over without success.  I also can't figure out how to view and edit previous posts.  Of course, because of all of these issues, I haven't a clue how to add pics & vids.

To top it all off, I can't zoom in by gently spreading two fingers apart on the screen.   The new interface is immovable, in that respect.  I see lots of screenshots in my future, assuming I solve my other Blogger probs.

I'm so frustrated that I need either a deep tisssue massage or a horse tranquilizer.  I know, I know.  Progress and all that crap.  Honestly, it seems the easier things are supposed to be, the more difficult they actually are.

So, I'll keep blogging here, using the "Legacy" interface, for as long as I can and I'll continue practicing with the new interface.  If I can't figure it out, perhaps I could try to make a fresh start through a different blogging site.  As The Brady Kids once advised...

🎵When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange, who you are into what you're going to be.🎵

Thank you for reading or listening to my half-blind words.

Freak Out, 

P.S. The Collective Eye is open and popping in August! 


  1. I'm not a fan of the new interface (okay, it sucks), either. If it's difficult for me to find things, I can't imagine how it must be for you. I hope you're able to get it sorted out, because the blog is one of the bright spots out there. Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Barry!
      I will hopefully figure it out or something else.

      Part of my problem could be that my tablet is old and the new interface is beyond his capabilities. I don't know. It's very frustrating. Yet, I'll keep trying.

  2. I hate change!!!! lol I haven't even tried the new interface yet and probably won't until I have to. I guess one bright spot to look at, though, might be that Blogger will work better on my Iphone because right now it won't show pics or vids at all only text and it gives some kind of message like "This app is outdated and therefore will not perform up to standard". I'm simply guessing I could be completely wrong, but at least that might be one positive thing to take away from it. Keep practicing, John.

    1. Thanks for th encouragement, Steven!
      The new interface has nearly made me have a meltdown, so we shall see what happens!
