Thursday, April 30, 2020

Backseat Social Hour (April 2020 in Hindsight)

The library has been closed for over a month, though you can borrow items via curbside pick-up, so I've been spending a lot of time in the backseat of a car.  No, I'm not practicing for my post-pandemic career.  The car is parked in front of the library so I can access their wi-fi on my tablet.  I can download shows from streaming services to watch offline and blog from the backseat.  Oh, and I can also virtually keep in touch with other humans.  Thankfully, I've learned how to siphon mobile data from my phone to my tablet, so I can blog from home now.  I'll still sit in the backseat to download stuff because my data isn't unlimited. 

Looking back at April, I've blogged way more than usual.  What I've discovered is that I prefer writing short subjects.  Whether it's stories or poems, I enjoy keeping my words concise.    Maybe I'm aiming my creative projects to those with short attention spans.  Well, at least I was in April.  Maybe I'll experience diarrhea of the mouth in May.

Another thing I've learned this month is how sometimes my half-blind eyes become so focused on one aspect that I fail to see the much bigger picture.  The moving image in the above video-poem was meant to represent one thing but it ended up looking like something completely different.  I didn't realize this until after I uploaded the video to You Tube.  I then laughed hysterically for a solid 5 minutes afterwards and now that something different is all I can see.

In conclusion, April has been a learning lesson, at least creatively speaking, but what about May?  My small town got its first official COVID-19 case near the end of April, (He Who Walks Behind The Rows failed us) and I don't know how this will alter my current version of normal.  All I do know is...

Whether I'm cramped up in the backseat or sprawled out at home, I'll try to keep my freak-light shining! 💡🤓

Thank you for reading or listening to my half-blind words.

Freak Out, 

P.S. My favorite post from April 2020 because it's the darkest story I have far.
A Twitter thread containing all 26 chapters of my LGBTQ, Sci-Fi, Horror, Romance blog serial...


  1. It's good to see how productive your April has been! I always look forward to reading your posts. Also, today's post reminds me how much I miss my library (no curbside pickup for us!). :(

    1. Thank you, Barry! Sorry to hear that your library does not offer curbside pickup. I didn't even realize how productive I was until the month was nearly over. LOL

  2. The freak light must never fade even when it must, out of necessity, be hidden under a bushel...or in the back of a Honda. Stay safe, John.

    1. Thanks, Michael.
      This little freak light of mineme, I'm gonna let it shine!
      You stay well too.
